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DDDE (Designerly Designed Design Education)



The DDDE-project is planned to be a three yearlong R&D endeavor where the ultimate and over-arching goal is to develop a more profound understanding of aspects that underpin good design educations in a northern Europe context (funding for last year 2013/14 tbc). Three Scandinavian design schools therefore started 2011/12 to identify and address contemporary challenges within design education. The schools are: (i) Designskolen Kolding, Denmark (ii)  The Institute of Design at the School of Architecture and Design in Oslo, Norway (iii) Konstfack, Sweden More »

This project has been completed

Pedagogical seminar

The DDDE project organizes a pedagogical seminar among the department’s members, in order to enable an open discussion about how to develop their own profession as teachers and/or tutors for their design students. Something that DDDE will support both their work directly and their course plan work during the coming spring semester. DDDE project hopes to develop this to a mini-series of a few seminars that blend internal work with experiences from other design schools and external resources for (e.g.) pedagogical institutions at UiO, HiOA and elsewhere.

The first seminar will be held at IDE  Monday 17. September, 9:00- noon.


–  Introduction based on the DDDE project and the overarching challenge; “How to make the pedagogical dialogue vivid and sustainable at IDE”.

Discussion and a short “SWOT:ish” exercise.

Lecture, “Knowledge and Learning frameworks…” held by Prof. Ola Erstad from PFI at UiO.

Discussing the lecture, what we believe are our own most important topics and our roadmap ahead.

Final short (and secret) exercise.
