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Sarah Ellen Rosenbaum




Sarah finished her doctoral thesis ‘Improving the User Experience of Evidence’ in 2010. Sarah works as designer and researcher at the Centre for Informed Health Decisions, in the Global Health cluster, Norwegian Institute of Public Health. She brings methods and perspectives from user/human-centred design to research with a focus on enabling evidence informed decision making. Her current collaboration is a project developing and evaluating learning resources to help both children and adults think critically about (bogus) health claims and make more informed treatment decisions.


Publications (5)


Improving the User Experience of Evidence

Systematic reviews are syntheses of the best available evidence on the effects of health care interventions. Cochrane Reviews are high quality reviews that can provide valuable information for clinicians and policy makers, but are poorly suited for decision makers in time-pressed contexts... Read »


Evidence Summaries Tailored to Health Policy-Makers in Low-and Middle-Income Countries

  • Rosenbaum, Sarah Ellen|Glenton, Claire|Wiysonge, Charles Shey|Abalos, Edgardo|Mignini, Luciano|Young, Taryn|Althabe, Fernando|Ciapponi, Agustín|Marti, Sebastian Garcia|Meng, Qingyue|Wang, Jian|Bradford, Ana Maria De la Hoz|Kiwanuka, Suzanne N|Rutebemberwa, Elizeus|Pariyo, George W|Flottorpa, Signe|Oxman, Andrew D

Objective: To describe how the SUPPORT collaboration developed a short summary format for presenting the results of systematic reviews to policy-makers in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Methods: We carried out 21 user tests in six countries to explore users’ experiences with the summary format... Read »