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Design Research Seminar Program


20 August, 2012

Our Design Research Seminars aim to enrich and assist research processes within the Centre. The Seminars will be held every second Monday during the autumn semester with a variety of themes, conceptual and methodological. The lectures will be held by researchers of the dR and additional guests’ lectures will be announced.

The program for the Design Research Seminar for autumn 2012 :


20 August                     Mauricy Filho on “Design Researchers and Paper Presentation”

commentator :  Henry Mainsah

3 September                Timo Arnall  on “Design Research Article and challenges”

 commentator:  Lise Amy Hansen

17 September              Henry Mainsah on “Research Methods”       Cancelled

commentator:  Andrew Morrison

1 October                     Ted Matthews

commentator:  Andrew Morrison

15 October                   Nina Lysbakken      Cancelled

29 October                   Lise Amy Hansen on ” Building a Design ‘Kappe’ ”

commentator:  Andrew Morrison

12 November               Sigrunn Lurås

26 November               Håkan Edeholt on “Sustainability as a global strategy”


dR hopes that these seminars can be a useful and vivid arena for the researchers of the center.