Doctoral Thesis Defence: Anthony Rowe
- Time
- 17 November, 2015, 10:00 – 16:00
- Location
Anthony Rowe is set to defend his PhD thesis ”Immersion in Mixed Reality Spaces” at AHO.
PhD thesis
This thesis maps out the overlaps, synergies and forces at play when designing for optimal immersive experiences in responsive mixed reality spaces. The research is performative, transdisciplinary and built on a methodology that combines and intertwines theories, practice and observation. Two concepts, immersion and mixing realities, are explored, mapped out, and then combined through practice and theory, within the context of interaction design and digital media art. The practice involves several publicly exhibited artworks and experiments that probe these themes and concepts, with reflections on practice and observations of both audiences and works then feeding back into the theoretical frameworks. Theory and practice enrich each other, resulting in a range of insights, strategies and approaches (theoretical and practical) that can be adopted when designing for a broad range of immersive and responsive mixed reality experiences.
Anthony Rowe has 20 years experience in digital media art and interaction design – as an artist, designer, teacher and researcher. In 1997, he founded Squidsoup, an internationally based group of artists, designers and developers (UK/NO/NZ) working with digital and interactive media experiences. Rowe is also co-founder of LUX, an ongoing series of symposia and exhibitions in Oslo and Wellington. He was Associate Professor, Interaction Design and then Research Fellow at Oslo School of Architecture and Design (2009-2014). He has an MA in Design for Interactive Media (Middlesex University, 1997).
Andrew Morrison
Adjudication Committee
Professor, Dr. Ernest Edmonds, First Opponent
Reader, Dr. Steve Gibson, Second Opponent
Professor, Dr. Bjørn Sandaker, Third Member and Coordinator