NORDES Summer School Oslo 2012
- Time
- 26 August, 2012
- Location
The NORDES Summer School 2012 is designed to address mobility but also on changing methods and tools in carrying out design inquiry. This we will do by discussing with prominent researchers in the field, reading core texts and experimenting with methodologies and techniques relevant for both ethnographic approaches to design as well as experimental approaches.
Sunday 26 August: Welcome
Venue: AHO Small auditorium
1800-2000 Get to know each other, fingerfood and an Introductory Speech by course organisers and Assoc. Prof. Jonny Aspen, AHO.
Introduction to Streetscape app, installation of app.
Introduction to Echo smartpens, installation.
Monday 27 August: Mobile Impulses Seminars
Learning objectives: to highlight and motivate discussion on contemporary core issues in mobility research; to relate these to emerging and changing design practice; to involve students in their own presentation of tentative position papers; to become aware of the frames for the final day’s seminar (Wednesday)
Venue: AHO Small auditorium
0900-1000 Breakfast at AHO for all participants
1000-1200 Keynotes and discussions
– Dr. Luigina Ciolfi, Interaction Design Centre, University of Limerick
– Einar Sneve Martinussen, Centre for Design Research, AHO (YOUrban project AHO)
1200-1300 lunch at AHO for all participants
1300-1400 Pecha Kucha presentations of participants’ position papers
1400-1500 Even Westvang, Bengler (co-designer of social calendaring and networking site Underskog)
1530- 1730 Discussion on given readings in groups; outline of Wednesday’s sessions
1900-2100 Dinner
Tuesday 28 August: Workshops – Design Research Methods on the Move
Learning objectives: to introduce and enact some experimental and mobile research methods, events and activities to augment given and conventional approaches to PhD education and research: to promote group work and collaboration in the uses of mobile tools in qualitative inquiry: to engage students in kinetic action, shared experiences and locative based inquiry; to report back on such experience and link them to reflective and reflexive writing, concepts and methods. These two workshops will approach research methods on mobility from different angles. The ‘walkshop’ will focus on semiotic and material means for engagement and participation while the ‘watershop’ will focus on participation and performativity. Attendance at one workshop is possible only. Participants from the two workshops will meet at the end of the day and exchange their research findings. Camera phones, iPads, cameras etc will be needed: please do bring your own if possible.
Venue: Group Room West
0830-9000 Breakfast at AHO for all participants
0900-1000 Introduction to workshops, tools and outcomes; collect matpakke
Walkshop: On the Move (Akerselva Digitalt project)
This moving workshop or Walkshop will be carried out in and related to the ongoing research project Akerselva Digitalt that examines urban industrial heritage alongside mobile apps and locative media tools to answer questions on citizens’ engagement and participation with a location connected social platform. In the Walkshop participants will use their smartphones and iPads to examine audio material provided by the Norwegian Museum of Science, Technology and Medicine. They will reflect on possible location based services and social media interactions by young citizens with help of video and audio tools. During the walkshop, short mobile reflections will be produced in addition to experimenting with video and audio documentation. Related background materials will be circulated.
1000-1300 Walkshop (leader Dagny Stuedahl)
1300 Walkshop group lunch at location identified en route (matpakke)
1400-1500 Take boat to Nesodden and return; discuss with partner from opposite workshop
1530-1800 Analysis of collected material, reflections & write ups at Akerbrygge & dinner
Watershop: On Land and on Board (YOUrban project)
This event will take place at the harbour as a mini-laboratory for reflecting on the emergent practices of mobile design and waterfront areas of the city. The Watershop draws on an assembly of artifacts, digital tools and shared activities to examine the given roles of mobile tools and media in documenting, designing and conveying urban spaces. The harbour represents a border into other kinds of placemaking and mobility, in the space of the urban waterfront, on boats and ships and on maps, navigation instruments and so on. How can a harbour space integrate means of these other types of movement and mobility? What challenges does mobile inquiry pose? Related background materials will be circulated.
1000-1300 Watershop (leader Andrew Morrison)
1300 Watershop group lunch at location identified en route (matpakke)
1400-1500 Take boat to Nesodden and return; discuss with partner from opposite workshop
1530-2000 Analysis of collected material, reflections & write ups at Akerbrygge & dinner
Wednesday 29 August: Parallel Seminars – Moving My Research Onwards
Learning objectives: to motivate students to present work in progress and challenges they face in their research, to assist students in more fully defining the directions of their inquiries, concepts and methods; to rehearse possible ideas and paper for the 2013 NORDES conference: to foster a cross-disciplinary design research seminar event rich in student participation.
Venue Group rooms 1, 2 & 4
0900-1000 Breakfast at AHO for all participants
Conveners: Dagny Stuedahl and Andrew Morrison
This formal session will be based on a set of time based presentations of PhD research projects drawing on 4 modes of presentation:
1)a core issue you need to address in either theory or methods
2) a pointed discussion of a key text you have selected from your readings
3) an identified debate in design research that move you but needs new direction
4) a draft text of your own presentation and review
Depending on the number will participants be grouped in accordance to research focus and interest, and will be given the role as discussant to at least one presentation. Each group will be c. 4 persons.
1000-1300 Seminar presentations of papers and discussions in groups
1300-1400 Closing lunch
1400-1600 Evaluation and Award (for ‘most moving’ contribution to the school)
Further information
The 2012 Nordes summer school school will be co-hosted by AHO and InterMedia, University of Oslo:
Course organizer: Prof. Andrew Morrison, Instititue of Design, AHO.
Course co-oordinator: Dr Dagny Stuedahl, InterMedia, University of Oslo