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News (110)


Design and the Digital Humanities

A Centre for Design Research Seminar. Wednesday 21 November 1200-1600.  Little auditorium AHO.   You’re very welcome to attend this half day event as part of the strategic research development of the Centre for Design Research at AHO.  

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Oslo LUX 2013

Oslo LUX 2013 - one day event (seminar and artworks) on the intersections of LIGHT, SPACE and TECHNOLOGY :: Thursday 7th February 2013. The event will feature a range of national and international artists, designers and architects who will be presenting their work and analysing the latest trends and discoveries in this rapidly developing field.

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Scholarly publishing and design

A seminar hosted by the Centre for Design Research    Date: Wednesday 14 November Centre for Design Research (in conjunction with AHO’s PhD School) Venue: AHO Conference Centre (entrance on Maridalsveien) You’re very welcome to attend this half day event as part of the Centre for Design Research at AHO. This is a design based research seminar that takes up key matters in the development and futher direction of digital scholarly publishing and design. This is strategic research domain for the Centre. It’s also a likely part of the continuing changes in 21st century scholarship that researchers and doctoral students will encounter.

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Augmented Reality and the City

Date: Friday 9 November 2012. By invitation: project group and invited guests, max c. 20 participants. Venue: AHO Conference Centre (entrance on Maridalsveien). You’re very welcome to attend this one day event as part of the YOUrban project at AHO into social media, the city and performativity. This is a design based research seminar that centers on the development and role of augmented reality tools and mediation in urban settings.

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