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News (110)

Designing for Brand Experience - Introduction

Customer experiences have for a time now been recognized as the new arena for building competitive advantage, and the role of design in enabling these experiences has been acknowledged. Yet, one topic seems to be elusive in the current discussion about customer experience: What is the experience that the organization wants its customers to have? As it is further explained in the theoretical section of this text, it is proposed that this experience should be a direct expression of the brand, one in which the customer’s, employee’s and organization’s perspective combine to play a role in defining the Brand Experience Proposition.

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Brandslation and Brand Experience Manual

The design of brand-based interactions is not new; service designers have been embedding brand characteristics into touch-points for more than a decade now. Yet, one problem persists: as there is no shared understanding of the experience proposition the brand is making, every new design team will develop service touch-points based on their own understanding of the Brand Experience Proposition; as these different interpretations are embedded in the service interactions, the customer’s experiences with the brand will consequently be inconsistent.    

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Designing for Brand Experience - Theoretical Background

This section describes the theoretical groundings for the research. The first subsection proposes that the experience proposition the organization is trying to deliver to the customers is actually the Brand Experience. Following, Designing for Brand Experience is presented as an approach that enables the translation of Brand Strategy into Customer Experiences through a Semantic Transformation process, operationalizing Service Branding. Finally, in the last subsection, it is suggested that the best way to communicate the Brand Experience Proposition is through the use of a relationship metaphor.

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MAVE, Lily and me

In a way my name says it all. I'm a drone. Identifiable. Gender on my wing, but I am multiple, my rotors, my dirigible versions. I've learned to not only understand the image contours of face recognition software evasion masking, but to turn it back on my own policed body, as an agent of the urban skies.  

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Doctoral Thesis Defense: Jørn Knutsen

PhD Candidate Jørn Knutsen is set to defend his thesis ”Products of the Networked City” at AHO on June 10th. Trial lecture at 10.00: Interaction Design and Tactical Media: What can be learned from historical comparative analysis?  Disputation at 12.00

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