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News (110)


The Brand Experience Manual: Addressing The Gap Between Brand Strategy And New Service Development.

ABSTRACT Customer experience has now become a central arena for competition in services. Companies are working hard not only to develop memorable customer experience, but also to infuse those with brand associations. To be able to transform brand strategy into a service concept capable of delivering a brand-aligned experience, the New Service Develop (NSD) teams need proper brand input. Nevertheless, literature and practice suggest that current brand manuals do not address these needs properly. This paper, through an extensive literature review and interviews with practitioners from the fields of Service Design and Branding, proposes the concept of Brand Experience Manual as a way to bridge the gap between brand strategy and the NSD teams. In doing so, it contributes to a better understanding of the status of current brand manuals, the evolution of branding, and advocates for an experiential focus on brand manuals.

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Developing a Brand Experience Manual for djuice.

Experience has been one of the hottest topics in marketing for the last years, and a lot has been said about how important it is to deliver a memorable customer experience and how customer experience can drive business growth in a saturated market. Despite all this talk, little has been written about how to integrate brands and experiences, and brand manuals haven’t changed much since the old the corporate identity days.

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Doctoral Thesis Defence: Timo Arnall

Phd Candidate Timo Arnall is set to defend his thesis, entitled 'Making Visible – Mediating the material of emerging technology' at Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus on June 12th at 11am. Title of trial lecture: "Remaking the cultural construction of immateriality through discursive design: from digital materiality to digital materials"

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Stoned drones

So much in the media about us drones. The Internet of Things. Funny how seldom we were mentioned as part of its infrastructure. Let’s see if that’s a topic that turned up in 2014! For now, I’m poised up here over the city, all belief suspended. But so much debate in ObamaLand was about how we were deployed at a distance. And civilian collateral damage in ‘AfPak’ as the US military called it. We flew in above villages, steered from afar, intel fed to our sensors, rockets remotely released, and then those online stories of wedding parties and village gatherings fragmented. Suspects marked and minced. Ouch. Conflict makes me feel. Yes, I developed not just sensors but sensibilities.

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Customer experience in the brand context: branding through services instead of branding of services.

This text is an adaptation of a presentation given on March 2014. It reports the recent developments on my research on the development of the ‘Brand Experience Manual’ and the ‘Brandslation’ process as an approach to service branding, here defined as “translating intangible brand concepts into customers experience through service interactions”. The text begins by pointing some reasons of the disjunction between branding and customer experience, moving towards introducing academic literature that starts to conciliate the two fields and ends by reporting the current status of our research in the development of the Brand Experience Manual concept as the outcome of the Brandslation process.  

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