Ulstein Bridge Vision is nominated to the Norwegian Research Council´s Innovation Price

The maritime research team at Oslo School of Architecture and Design is honored for excellent research results in their collaboration with Ulstein Power & Control. As one of six selected companies Ulstein Power & Control and their research and innovation project Ulstein Bridge Vision is nominated for the Norwegian Research Council´s Innovation Price 2013.
The Research Council is well informed of the research conducted around the country, and an internal jury has nominated the project to this years prize. The winner is to be announced at the Research Council´s Evening of Excellence on 18th of September.
Innovation director Arne Ove Rødstøl at Ulstein finds it flattering to be nominated and is excited to know who wins the prize tommorrow evening at the Concert Hall of Oslo. ‘We are especially proud of recognition to our research strategy by an internal jury at the Research Council,’ he says.
Excellent Innovation
The pupose of the Innovation Prize is to display companies applying research in innovation in an outstanding manner, leading to increased welfare and international competitiveness.
A criteria for the prize is to create value for the company and the community, as well as bridging academia and the business sector.
The winner is selected by an external jury, this year with Ingvild Myhre (jury leader), Vibeke Hammer Madsen, Gunnar Bovim, Sverre Gotaas and Arvid Hallén.
Long term collaboration
Ulstein Bridge Vision is part of a long term collaboration between the maritime research group at the Centre for Design Research at the Oslo School of Architecture and Design (AHO) and the innovation team at Ulstein Power & Control.
«This highlights the potential of design research and will hopefully help us develop our maritime research team at AHO together with the industry. The nomination is not only an acknowledgement of the research results, but primarily of the bold and persistent approach displayed by Ulstein Power & Control allowing for a unique collaboration between their innovation team and our research group at AHO.» says Kjetil Nordby, the research manager at AHO maritime research group.
The Research Council writes about Ulstein Bridge Concept:
Ulstein is an internationally acknowledged supplier of ship design, ship building and systems solutions on ships. For the walfare, safety and simplified work situation for the ship crew, the company has developed a new concept for ship brigdes. In «Ulstein Bridge Vision» the user has been the in the centre from the beginning. The result is an ergonomic work place where the captain can operate the ship with intuitive commands and gestures.