
Haley Fitzpatrick
- haley.fitzpatrick@aho.no
Haley Fitzpatrick is a PhD Fellow at AHO exploring how Systems-Oriented Design can be used to link trans-disciplinary epistemology with community-based, place-specific knowledge to co-create regenerative and resilient alpine landscapes. She is particularly interested in the (in)visible interactions of systems, flows and processes across scales of the built environment and how these both characterize and challenge notions of place and collective identity.
Before starting her research at AHO, Haley worked for four years at Renzo Piano Building Workshop in Genova, Italy, where she gained experience from concept design to construction administration across a variety of projects including art museums, large-scale masterplans, residential and educational institutes. She has also been serving as a Design Associate at the MonViso Institute in the Piedemonte Alps of Italy, where she is actively engaged in research and education, especially in mobilizing the co-production of alpine knowledge across diverse communities.
She received her Master of Architecture at the University of Texas at Austin with a certificate in Sustainable Design. Her graduate research focused on the relationships between identity, tourism and the environment in Iceland. Above all, Haley is passionate about exploring creative ways to use design as a collaborative and healing opportunity to help reimagine more equitable living within our common planet.
Alpine Circularity: Regenerating Mountain Communities through Systems-Oriented Design