
Nina Lysbakken
- nina.lysbakken@aho.no
- Website
- http://no.linkedin.com/in/ninalysbakken
Nina Lysbakken is a PhD-candidate in interaction design on the delTA-project. She has her background from visual communications and has studied at various schools; Master degree from Bergen Academy of Arts and Design, Bachelor degree from Gjøvik University College, and in addition Design studies at Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti, Milano, and Entrepreneurship studies at University of California, Berkeley.
Her fields of interests are educational design, behavior change, service design, process facilitation, co-creation, interaction design, information design and graphic design. Or maybe just really good solutions for people – whatever genre. Moving, helpful, poetic or necessary solutions.
delTA|NORDES 2017|The design of commenting in online magazines and newspapers