
Simen Svale Skogsrud
- simen@bengler.no
Simen is a principal at Bengler specializing in product design, software architecture and broad spectrum tinkering.
Simen takes seemingly weird and out-there ideas, works out all the hard usability and engineering bits and puts them to work in the real world. To this end he nurtures a bestiary of oddball ideas in search of a purpose.
As a product designer, Simen’s super-skill is understanding and anticipating motivation. As a coder, software architect and hardware hacker, he contributes in all levels of product development, yet his most important work is accomplished with a team, a whiteboard and a pot of coffee.
Simen has worked as an award-winning television producer (Gullruten 1996), interactive media artist, published novelist (Tiden 2004) and has created audio-visual installations for a couple of museums.
He loves to walk Kierkegaard-style. He clocks about 4.5 million steps a year.