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Reflect is an interactive tangible sound installation that will premiere at Music Makers (http://musicmake.rs/category/artists/) on September 14th 2012, at Prince Charles in Berlin. Music Makers was curated by Create Digital Music, PLATform and SemiDomesticated. The creators of the installation, MusicalFieldsForever is a group of Artists and also a Project. The members have diverse artistic backgrounds within music, industrial design, interaction design, but share the use of Networking models and the Computer as their major working tool. They also share a vision for the democratic potential of these technologies. Reflect is a result of research within tangible, musical and sensorial interaction for health in the RHYME research project (http://www.RHYME.no)

Cappelen, B.Olofsson, F., & Andersson, A.(2012). Reflect. Prince Charles, Berlin: Create Digital Music, PLATform, SemiDomesticated Available: http://musicmake.rs/category/artists/