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REFLEXICON and PhD workshop in online mode

REFLEXICON builds on the Lexicon of the Future Education and Literacy for Designers, and invites designers to play with future terms. It uses game play as a way to support designers on use and application of Futures Design terms and reflect on how their design project or activity work might relate to shaping future needs, conditions and challenges. 

Engaging in Futures Enquiry in Design, PhD Workshop #2. REFLEXICON
AHO, 13 March 2020
Teachers and facilitators: Andrew Morrison & Palak Dudani

The REFLEXICON workshop was planned as a digital synchronous workshop and conducted over zoom. In order to facilitate the workshop remotely, supporting material such as the digital interactive tool and a video tutorial were designed. The participants also had the option to share their feedback using the feedback form.

The workshop was designed with PhD students in mind. The aim of the workshop was to introduce the students to a design game as a way to question how futures design words work. The game play also encourages students to connect critical reflection and reflexive review as part of their design research practice.

In this post we share how we participants played the REFLEXICON game and their reflections on how it supported them in their design research work.

Dudani, P.(2020). REFLEXICON and PhD workshop in online mode. 1 December. Content research entry in Fuel4Design project. Open access research website. AHO / FUEL4DESIGN / ERASMUS+ Strategic Partnership Programme. Available: http://www.fuel4design.org/index.php/2020/11/19/reflexicon-and-phd-workshop-in-online-mode/