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Unpacking Making: A Product Design Critique on Emergent Uses of Additive Manufacturing

Today, as the technical capabilities of 3D printers are advancing, they are finding newfound uses within product design as an Additive Manufacturing (AM) technology. Through a practice-led mode of design research, this thesis argues that AM needs to be supported by critical reflection of its technical capacities, as they are subjected to interpretation through contexts of use. It does so through investigating the relationship between design, making and critique, particularily in the context of design education.

In the mode of a thesis by compilation, I develop a holistic model of design-making critique in which product design is oriented towards critical and future-oriented forms of inquiry. With making as a core and integrating activity, the model moves from design-making critique through emergent use groups, into a wider technological design frame. The model is positioned with respect to the diverse means, context, tools and memberships in which making is made manifest.

The study makes the following overarching contributions. Firstly, it critiques the sociotechnical transformation of AM from within the product design field. Secondly, it incorporates theories of socio-technological development into design pedagogy. Thirdly, it realigns critical making approaches to design expertise. For design practitioners, the study may also be useful for generating insight into the technical materials of AM, in applying them in contextual design processes, and as a tool for technological reflection.

The study makes the following overarching contributions. Firstly, it critiques the sociotechnical transformation of AM from within the product design field. Secondly, it incorporates theories of socio-technological development into design pedagogy. Thirdly, it realigns critical making approaches to design expertise. For design practitioners, the study may also be useful for generating insight into the technical materials of AM, and in applying them in contextual design processes.

Read thesis here.

Kempton, W.(2019). Unpacking Making: A Product Design Critique on Emergent Uses of Additive Manufacturing. Oslo: Oslo School of Architecture and Design Available: http://hdl.handle.net/11250/2597236