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News tagged with 'media' (2)


Projects inspired by 'Immaterials: Light painting WiFi'

Last week I wrote about how our film ‘Immaterials: Light painting WiFi’ has spread across the internet and become a popular cultural phenomena over the last year. Today I want to write about a couple of other kinds of impact that the film and the visualisations have created. We have observed the concepts, arguments and visual language being taken up and interpreted as new and derivative work by other practitioners. This points to a different sort of cultural propagation: the spectacle of the film created a momentum that has driven others to re-interpret, re-create and extend the work in many different directions.

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Visualising WiFi for the masses

A year the YOUrban project released the film ‘Immaterials: Light painting WiFi’. Since then the film has been viewed over a million times and spread far across the internet, finding its way into many different contexts and taken up in various fields. It has received broad international coverage through traditional news media, design magazines, television, radio, popular science, exhibitions, awards, books, and research. It is still being discussed on blogs, websites and is still being reported and shared on social media. In many ways, the film has become a part of popular culture.

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