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Conference paper

Research on Digital Design Strategies

To fully benefit from the potential of computer technology in the design process it is necessary to rethink design methodology. New design strategies have to be developed from scratch, strategies which are specially designed to engage the potential of computer technology as well as to address the general problem of complexity within the interplay of urban systems.

This research is focused on the development of practical solutions, which can be applied by other designers. The research design is therefor built around a “laboratory” setting, where new techniques are developed, and a “test ground” setting where these techniques are tested and developed further. The “laboratory” is provided through the authors’ participation in the architecture and design group OCEAN, the “test ground” is given through several series of workshops conducted either by OCEAN, or locally, at the Institute of Industrial design at the Oslo School of Architecture. This particular research design is discussed on a general level and demonstrated through a presentation of the specific research on the development of digital design strategies.


Sevaldson, B. 1999. 'Research on Digital Design Strategies'. In Useful and Critical, the Positions of Research in Design, Proceedings. Helsinki: 18.06.1999–. Available: http://www.birger-sevaldson.no/phd/useful.pdf