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Smart Jewelry Prototyping with Children as Part of a Service Design Process

In our research, we address a special domain among wearable computing, smart jewelry. We present our work-in-progress on co-designing smart jewelry concepts with children. In a design session, children (n=4) were asked to come up with a smart jewelry concept, which they could use when in Covid quarantine. We use play-dough type low-fi prototyping materials, and seek to refine a suitable toolkit for the second phase of our forthcoming research, which integrates service design and jewelry design.

Inget, V.Suoheimo, M., & Hakkila, J.(2022). Smart Jewelry Prototyping with Children as Part of a Service Design Process. New Orleans LA USA: Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, United States Available: https://lacris.ulapland.fi/ws/files/22369051/SmartJewelryCodesign_CHI22WS.pdf