Dances of the drones
We have multiplied. Our eyes and wireless feeds. From sky to land, showing points of view. Our expansion visible daily in commercial and playful arenas. I see the results of the second drone film festival in New York are out. What a beautifully curated piece of mediating artifactual cinematography. Now there’s one for the new McLuhan centre director. I love new smart brooms.
There are ten categories in the fesitval now. Can you believe it. And a string of sponsors and connected makers and shakers.
I must admit to feeling a bit dizzy. I’m a winner in all categories. I suppose they were modest in handing out the awards and didn’t want to start a Meryl Streep Syndrome. As if she had all her best films in one competition, winning not whining.
The film I like most reminds me of the dance of the drones in Berlin. It’s the one with the flying lampshades.
A choreography of luxury communism, I’d say. Bread and the circuses of the planned economy. Pay to see the circus fly? You don’t have to because you can watch it for free this time.
Sparked: A Live Interaction Between Humans and Quadcopters by Cirque Du Soliel, ETH Zurich & Verity Studios