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Design and the Digital Humanities

A Centre for Design Research Seminar.

Wednesday 21 November 1200-1600. 

Little auditorium AHO.

You’re very welcome to attend this half day event as part of the strategic research development of the Centre for Design Research at AHO.

The seminar will take up core issues in the digital humanities but with a specific turn to design. We’ll address current profiles of the digital humanities and link them to analytical and practical matters. To do this we’ve invited a variety of project based researchers to also present their takes on design in the digital humanities. This is work that has a considerable legacy and extended reach into the digital humanities where otherwise design often goes unmentioned.

We’ve planned this event as a precursor to a potential special issue of a peer reviewed journal. It’ll involve presentations and discussion, so we’d value your participation.

There’s place for around 40 participants at this free event.

To register contact: angelikidimaki at gmail.com


12:00 Welcome

Light lunch at AHO for guests

13:00  Design based inquiry

Designing SitSim

Gunnar Liestol, UiO

Comment: Peter Hemmersam, AHO

13:30  State of the arts

Where’s design in the digital humanities?

Andrew Morrison, AHO

Comment: Synne Skjulstad, Westerdals

14:00  Coffee break 

14:30  Design interventions

Provocations from design into digital scholarly formats

Jørn Knutsen & Einar Martinussen, AHO

Comment: Lise Amy Hansen, AHO

15:00  Coffee Break

15:15  Designerly nuances and the digital humanities

Being found

Dagny Stuedahl, UiO

Comment: Jonny Aspen, AHO

15: 45  Rapporteur

Key issues from the seminar

Ståle Stenslie, AHO

16: 00 Close

… and out for drinks

20:00  Dinner 

only for guests

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