Doctoral Thesis Defence: Simon Clatworthy

PhD Candidate Simon Clatworthy is set to defend his thesis on 27th June, entitled: Design Support at the Front End of the New Service Development (NSD) Process: The Role of Touch-Points and Service Personality in Supporting Team Work and Innovation Processes
This thesis explores the first stages of New Service Development, and focuses upon the role that design can play to improve the innovation performance of a development team. The work took a ”research by design” approach, that resulted in the design and evaluation of tools and process support, for two specific areas of service innovation. Firstly, how working with the touch-points of a service can improve innovation performance, and secondly the importance of aligning the customer experience with the brand strategy of the organisation. The tools that were developed to assist with both of these areas are shown to improve both group performance and innovation outcomes. Further, they are shown to give a service orientation to the projects. The results of this research are further discussed and reflected upon to present insights into the nature of service design itself. These discuss the materials of service design, and the importance of service personality when designing services.
Simon Clatworthy has an MBA in Design Management and is Professor of Interaction Design at AHO. Before coming to AHO he led research groups at Telenor and was a director in the Nordic IT-company Creuna. He has been researching and teaching Service Design for almost 10 years, and led the AT-ONE Service Innovation project between 2007 and 2010. He now leads one of the major themes at the Centre for Service Innovation (CSI).
Adjudication committee:
– Research director Toni-Matti Karjalainen, Aalto University, Helsinki, first opponent
– Director Elena Pacenti, Domus Academy, Milano, second opponent
– Associate professor Henry Mainsah, AHO, coordinator