Key-note at Design, Development and Research 2013, Kumasi, Ghana

Design, Development and Research is a yearly international design conference at the African continent. This year it will be held in Ghana ( and I – Håkan Edeholt – have been asked to give a key-note.
The conference themes plug perfectly in to the 2Sustania project so I really hope to be able to meet even more colleagues at the African continent and continue the attempts to bridge (or address) the tensions between the “minority vs. majority world” concerning Climate Change and related issues. In spite of quite an extensive experience of the African continent since before, this will be my first experience of West-africa. Anyone that have relevant information about West-africa or Ghana that could be used to give my key-note a sort of local underpinning are therefore more than welcome to send these to me. Other suggestions are of course also equally welcomed. So hope to see you all, July 18-20 in Kumasi, Ghana.