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Lexicon at NORDES Summer School 2020

The NORDES Summer School 2020 was a 3-day online event held on 5-7 August 2020, hosted by AHO and OsloMet in Norway. With the focus on ‘designing beyond the individual’, the summer school explored how the theme of COLLECTIVES may “inform design inquiry in shaping futures that are shared and honed for common interests, needs and purposes, not only competitive and collaborative ones.”

The summer school was open and free for doctoral candidates with an overall aim to inform and strengthen understanding of the collective in their doctoral inquiries, with a specific emphasis on “examining and elaborating on related actions and methods, and situating the challenges and potentials for designing and researching design for shared and sustainable survival, via creativity with critique.”

During the summer school, a two hour activity called ‘Languaging collective futures’ was presented and facilitated by Andrew and Palak. As facilitators, our view on this activity was to bring forth the potentiality of words and how they open possibilities for ‘futuring’. These issues were taken up across the three day session. The overall aim of our activity within the workshop was to relate to the language of collectives based on FUEL4DESIGN Lexicon. 

Dudani, P.Morrison, A.(2020). Lexicon at NORDES Summer School 2020. 1 December. Content research entry in Fuel4Design project.Open access research website. AHO / FUEL4DESIGN / ERASMUS+ Strategic Partnership Programme. Available: http://www.fuel4design.org/index.php/2020/12/01/lexicon-at-nordes-summer-school-2020/