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Design Facilitation as Emerging Practice: Analyzing How Designers Support Multi-stakeholder Co-creation

Designers increasingly find themselves facilitating large-scale design events. Yet few have explored design facilitation as an emerging practice. This article examines the design facilitation practices used in two Norwegian case studies of multi-stakeholder events. We focus on the contextually designed tools designers create to help them facilitate. We then explore some critical dimensions of design facilitation. When used as visual overlays, facilitators’ explicit knowledge of these dimensions can improve their capacity to analyze, evaluate, and plan how to design and use contextual tools during design events. By plotting how designers use facilitation tools sequentially during events, we render the flow of design facilitation practice visible and accessible. We suggest that an explicit awareness of these dimensions and flows can enable designers to build more inclusive and inspiring tools, orchestrate the flow of long-term participatory processes more deliberately, and better equip participants to work with complex systemic change.

Aguirre, M.Agudelo, N., & Romm, J. 2017. 'Design Facilitation as Emerging Practice: Analyzing How Designers Support Multi-stakeholder Co-creation'. She Ji: The Journal of Design, Economics, and Innovation Vol.3. 198–209. Available: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2405872617300746