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Gender and the practicalities of design research

To old and new members of WONDER. We have the pleasure of inviting you to a two days’ seminar in Oslo with the theme:

Gender and the practicalities of design research

Date: 16th to 17th of June 2016.

The WONDER (Women in Design Research) network consists of female professors, postdocs and PhD students from the Scandinavian countries. The network is interdisciplinary and the goal is to contribute to professional development and career development, and to increase the share of women in permanent research positions at universities and university colleges.

The seminar invites a number of designers, design teachers and design researchers who will present their research topic and gender related issues experienced during their practice. Women in design research experience different challenges. This seminar is discussing a wide range of practical aspects as skills in handling physical or digital materials, all the way to coordinate and formulate a design related PhD degree. At the same time teaching design students demands a set of skills. Practical tasks as workshop training, lecturing and guidance bring aspects of physical work often connected to male teachers. Wonder invites a discussion among experts in design related teaching environments.


Thursday 16.06

0930-1000 Coffee

1000-1020  Welcome: Nina Bjørnstad & Andrew Morrison

1020-1120  Cheryl E. Ball

1120-1200  Rachel Troye

1200-1300 Lunch

1300-1430 Katja Pettersson & Cheryl Akner-Koler

1430-1510  Anne Carlijn Vis

1645-2300 Dinner at the boat SS Vollan. WONDER seminar will join the rest of AHO summer party. Attendance: Rådhusbrygge 1 (Close to Akershus Festning) at 16:45. The boat leaves at 17:00 sharp!  Return: About 23:00

Friday 17.06

0930-1000 Coffee

1000-1120   Angeliki Dimaki-Adolfsen

1120-1200  Lise Amy Hansen

1200-1300 Lunch

 1300-1340  Nina Lysbakken

1400-1430  Tour at the Exhibition AHO Works

The presentations will be approx. 40 min and they will all be followed by a 20 min. discussions. 

The event is hosted by

Institute of Design, The Oslo School of Architecture and Design,

Maridalsveien 29 NO-0130 Oslo, Norway

Contact person: Nina Bjørnstad Nina.Bjornstad@aho.no

The seminar is free of charge and is open for female design researchers from the Nordic countries (registration closed).

You may find more information about the WONDER network following the link:


We, at the Institute of Design AHO, hope to see you in Oslo this summer!

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