Marianne Støren Berg
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Marianne Støren Berg is senior innovation manager and research strategist. She is working on the development of strategic areas within design research at AHO, and is now full time occupied with establishing the Maritime Research Laboratory.
With a genuine dedication for design thinking and user centric innovation, she has held various roles within research, design consultancy and industry over the last 20 years.
Prior to joining the team at AHO, she worked with change management and advicing within innovation at Telenor. She was directly responsible for implementing a design driven and customer centric innovation process.
She co-founded the Oslo-based award-winning consultancy KODE Design. It earned a position as a leading firm within customer centric innovation in Norway and worked with clients such as Tandberg Telecom, Scandinavian Business Seating/HÅG, Jordan and Tine.
Marianne holds a PhD in innovation processes and workshops. She enjoys sharing her experience within customer centric innovation, design strategy, design management, service design, design research and participatory design methods. Frequently she holds seminars, is lecturing, is jurying and contributes to the design field with publications in books and articles.
Concept simulator game, Forskningstorget 2013|Field studies ship control room|GUI Concept|Onsite – Design driven field studies for safer demanding marine operations|Openbridge – Open platform for user-friendly ship bridges|QUALITY FOR IMPACT|SEDNA – Safe maritime operations under extreme conditions: the Arctic case|Ulstein Bridge Concept