- Type of project
- Applied research
- Website
- https://www.nhh.no/en/research-centres/csi/
- Duration
- 01.04.2011 -> 01.04.2019
This project has been completed
About the project
The Centre for Service Innovation (CSI) is one of several centres for research based innovation that are being set-up in Norway. They are funded jointly by the Norwegian Research Council (NFR) and industry, together with a proportion of own funding from research partners. This centre for research based innovation will become Norway’s primary competence centre for innovation in services. CSI is led by the Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration (NHH) and AHO has a central role in the centre, leading one of the four innovation themes. The centre is expected to receive funding for an eight year period, starting in April 2011.
Goal & sub goals
The Center for Service Innovation (CSI) aims to increase the quality, efficiency and commercial success of innovation activities at leading Norwegian service providers and enhance the innovation capabilities of its business and academic partners. CSI will identify service innovation challenges and opportunities, transform them into relevant research themes, and implement best practices, in collaboration with KIBS partners working as innovation enablers.
Central research questions
The centre has four research themes, each interrelated:
– Innovations in customer and brand experiences (AHO lead)
– Co-creation and open innovation processes
– Business model innovations
– Infrastructure- and structural innovations
Analytical frames
The centre will work across disciplines, funtions and organisations using multiple analytical frameworks. It has as a focus the creation of value through the combination of best practices from business, design and technology.
Industry: Storebrand, Telenor, DnB, Posten, TryggVesta, EDB Business Partner, PriceWaterhouseCoopers, Bekk Consulting, InFuture, Argentum Software.
Interest organisations: Abelia, Norwegian Design Council, NHO Grafisk, NARF, HSH.
International partners: Karlstads University, Copenhagen Business School, Manchester Business School.
Publications: Articles, Conference papers, Books, On-line materials.
R+D: Innovations for partner organisations, tools and methods.
National and international dissemination activities.
The Norwegian Research Council (NFR), Business partners, Research partners.
Project size:
Ca. NOK 20 million per year
Media coverage:
Kjersti Fyllingsens blogg – Slik jeg ser det, 21.06.2011:
Hvilke opplevelser er det kunden etterspør?
Magma, 4/2011: Satser stort på tjenesteinnovasjon
Forskningsrådet, 30.05.2011: Alt er tjenester
Paraplyen, 15.06.2011: Ser salaten, velger burgeren