Making Visible: Mediating the Material of Emerging Technology
In this thesis I outline how interaction design may engage in the exploration and understandings the material and mediation of new interface technologies... Read »
In this thesis I outline how interaction design may engage in the exploration and understandings the material and mediation of new interface technologies... Read »
The city is changing in ways that can’t be seen. As urban life becomes intertwined with digital technologies the invisible landscape of the networked city is taking shape – a terrain made up of radio waves, mobile devices, data streams and satellite signals. In Satellite lamps, practices and languages of design are put to use to explain and situate the phenomena of GPS... Read »
This article explores the related issues of invisibility and material in interaction design, and argues that there is a need to consider ‘immaterials’ as a frame to explore and mediate invisible technological systems... Read »
Interface and network technologies are becoming ubiquitous yet they are increasingly complex and hidden. As they recede into the fabric of everyday life, we lose our ability to see, question, critique and shape these technologies for our own uses. Here there is potential for harm, powerlessness and new and non-neutral power relations... Read »