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Yue Zou




Yue Zou is a Ph.D. candidate at the Oslo School of Architecture and Design now. As a transdisciplinary designer and design researcher, he is conducting speculations on the future of everyday life by exploring the new meanings of form, style, technology, and nature in design. He combines design research and design practices as a poetic tool to bring further studies of post-humanism in design. Yue uses his research and practices as a playful, optimistic way to redesign the design itself before ecological collapse.


designBRICS – A global design network addressing climate change|Transformative Speculation of Life Forms and Styles – An Ecological Design Approach in the Context of Climate Change

Publications (3)




As part of my doctoral design project entitled Transformative Speculation of Life Forms and Life Styles: An Ecological Design Approach in the Context of Climate Change, in XIANGVEI I have researched future life forms via speculative designing to again insights into sustainable futures by redirecting human enhancement.   XIANGVEI is a speculative design organ future... Read »


Conference paper

Design for Quality Life: Speculative Transformation of Lifestyle

Since climate change has become a tangible and serious issue that humanity has to face, more and more disciplines are evolving to address this field, including design. Design, especially product design, is regarded as a discipline that promotes consumer consumption. Design itself is a problem in the context of climate change... Read »