
Mauricy Filho
- mauricy.filho@aho.no
- Website
- http://www.linkedin.com/in/mauricyfilho
Mauricy Filho is a Service Design PhD Fellow at the Oslo School of Architecture and Design (AHO) developing a research on the role of brand experience for businesses. He has a M.Sc. in Business from UFPE (Pernambuco Federal University – Brazil) where he developed a research on the role of the elements of the marketing mix in communicating the brand identity; and a B.A. in Design from the same institution. His interest in the business related fields cames from early studies in Economic Science, also at UFPE.
His research aims to develop tools to help corporations understand their brand as customer experience proposition, and communicate these propositions to the New Service Development teams so they can, through design, translate the immaterial brand values into tangible (branded) service experiences.
Brand Innovation in Service Design|CSI (Centre for Service Innovation)