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Products of the Networked City

Publications (6)



Satellite Lamps

The city is changing in ways that can’t be seen. As urban life becomes intertwined with digital technologies the invisible landscape of the networked city is taking shape – a terrain made up of radio waves, mobile devices, data streams and satellite signals. In Satellite lamps, practices and languages of design are put to use to explain and situate the phenomena of GPS... Read »


Uprooting Products of the Networked city

From a techno-cultural view on interaction, this article takes up the relationship between the technologies of the networked city and domestic networked products, and material and conditioning relations to the field of design. This contrasts with more infrastructural framings of networked cities and ubiquitous computing... Read »



Å formgi en digital framtid

Det siste tiåret har internettet spredt seg fra skrivebordet til noe vi putter i lomma og bærer med oss til enhver tid. Vi «går ikke på Internett» lenger, vi er der hele tiden. Samtidig har digital teknologi blitt et av samfunnets sentrale rammeverk og påvirker alt fra politisk meningsutveksling til hvordan velferdsstaten fungerer... Read »



Investigating an “Internet of Hybrid Products”: Assembling Products, Interactions, Services, and Networks through Design

This article takes up the relations between products, people, and the Internet. Our investigation is set in the context of the emergence of networked and service-driven physical products. The article builds upon the curation and design of an exhibition that pulls together recent hybrids composed of physical objects as well as digital things and networked services... Read »