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Systems Oriented Design

Publications (7)


Complex Systems: Breakthrough Innovations through People

The H-SEIF project ‘Technology with Empathy’ was a three-year (2017-2020) research collaboration project between industry and academia funded by Oslofjordfondet and in- kind by partners. This book is written to inspire systems engineering practitioners and create curiosity about new ways of working to take the step towards significant innovations... Read »



A Systems Dynamics Gigamap: Gentrification 2.0 Project

In Norway, urban gentrification has been characterised by replacement of original occupants in previously working class neighbourhoods by middle-class or higher income groups (Hjorthol & Bjørnskau 2005). By posing the core research question ‘What is gentrification in Norwegian context?’ we bring out relevant information and terms to be mapped in a spatio-temporal frame... Read »

Conference paper

Systems-Oriented Design as a Democratic Process Design Technique

This paper introduces a discussion about Systems-Oriented Design (SOD) as a democratic design technique. Hence, we have sought how to design processes that enable democratic design processes and possibly design for democracy. We have analysed student praxis and project turn-ins produced at a SOD course Design for Democracy at the Oslo School of Architecture and Design (AHO) 2016 – 2018... Read »